Vintage Energy Drink!

Picture 1711Picture 1713Back when we were milking the cow, I kept this old 1940’s magazine advertisement tacked to the barn wall. Which would you prefer? A glass of fresh Jersey milk or a can of Cocomalt? We all got a hoot over the wording they used to market this ‘energizing food drink‘. The equivalent of 1 3/4 hours of energy! Imagine that! I’ll have several cans please! For goodness sake you all know I have to be ready to clean the house, be a wife, a mother, a sweetheart ( ha, ha), and let’s not forget…..a ‘pal’, all rolled into one! No telling when Rick may come strutting along and interrupt me while I’m cutting firewood, whisking me away to ‘go places’ ! Where would we go? Up to the general store for more stall shavings? Or to the hardware store to pick up more nails? Oh, I’d better be ready for that! To be a good pal, I should have a cold can of Cocomalt at arms reach to ensure that I have that extra energy I’ll need to preform all these wifely duties. Funny, after a day of chores……yes, housekeeping, but also cutting firewood, tending livestock, and pounding nails along with the men folk, I think I prefer a c

20 comments on “Vintage Energy Drink!

  1. I’ll take a CAN of that too! I’m knackered at 3 pm already, after spending a whole day avoiding my housecleaning! It’s even protective and I’ll be a new person! Today!

  2. The made me laugh out loud–all of it, but mostly your rejoinder about the cold beer! It all makes me wonder if future generations will look back and laugh at ads for Gatorade and 5-Hour Energy (which already make me kind of grimace–I’ll take the beer . . . or bourbon!)

    • These old ads are too funny, and yes I wonder if we’ll look back at some of our currant advertisements and find it just as corny. I mentioned the possibility of Cocomalt being the perfect thing to mix with coffee brandy while ice fishing! Ha!

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