Cool But Growing

Our weather here in Maine continues to be on the cool side. I’m almost afraid to tell you that on a few occasions recently we’ve even made a little fire in the wood cookstove to stave off the chill. I’ve done this wearing, mind you, a wool sweater and wool socks. Oh, my.
The gardens are growing and caring on without a hitch. The nursery rows are continuing to be stocked with new plants. We’ve just set out a large block of Cornus canadense…..beautiful full pots! We’ll say goodbye to May, hello to June, and hope for a little sunshine.
Here are few shots from the gardens…

Cypripedium pubescens

Podyphyllum hexandrum, Peony ‘Little Gem’, Peony japonica

Mertensia virginica ‘alba’

Convallaria ” Fernwood’s Golden Slippers”
Our own introduction

This Beauty

Picture 689This little beauty turns 21 years old today. We celebrated Zoe’s birthday last night, with more hoopla planned for today. Friends gathered for cake and well wishes. Lots of smiles and hugs. People came who have known Zoe her whole life, and others who have been witness to her more recent years of young adulthood. It was great and I cried. Twenty one, whew! Happy, Happy, Birthday, Zoe! Picture 685
Early this morning, we wandered around the nursery, checking out some other beauties that are also bringing joy to our days.

Alchemilla mollis, Primula kisoana, and Mertensia virginica

Alchemilla mollis, Primula kisoana, and Mertensia virginica

Phlox stolonifera 'Blue Ridge'

Phlox divaricata

Phlox stolonifera 'Home Fires'

Phlox stolonifera ‘Home Fires’

Picture 650